The Institute Industry interaction is very frequent and mutually rewarding. Managers from different functions in the corporate world are invited to share their practical experiences and communicate the felt expectations from the future managers. LBSIMT is actively associated with CII, FICCI, Chambers of Commerce and Productivity Councils, Professors of LBSIMT are on the panels of such organizations. LBSIMT has emerged as a facilitator of performance excellence by a number of organizations in diverse fields through its consultancy, management development programmes, business leaders round tables, seminars and various summits.
The Institute has been conducting a variety of developmental programmes for executives, officers and managers of various organizations. Excellence Workshop on ‘Empowering Self’ has been conducted for a group of organizational leaders from 19 countries. An MDP on ‘Interpersonal Success Skills’ was conducted at Godrej Consumers Care Ltd. for their supervisors and officers. In the recent past, a programme on ‘Self-Esteem’ was conducted for civil services officers of 23 third-world countries. ‘Where Rubber meets the Road’ was another programme conducted for the Productivity council. ‘Sukhad Kal Ki Ore’ was organized for supervisors of Ucal Fuel Ltd. Gurgaon.
The large number of organizations which are benefiting from the Institutes’ MDPs include Polyplex Corporation, Central UP Chambers of Commerce, Godrej Consumer Care, Ucal Fuel Ltd., Oswal Chemicals, Xerox India Ltd., Junior Leaders Academy of Indian Army, SBI Learning Centre.
The faculty team of the Institute publishes a monthly pull-out ‘PULSE’ for the benefit of the managers of corporate world. It contains crisp and action-oriented articles on various issues of concern for the managers. ‘PULSE’ is made available to the business organizations free of cost and has been able to generate keen interest.