- The institute has a well-stocked library
- The institute subscribes 7000 (approx…) e-journals related to the subjects of management
- All students are connected on the institute’s online portal through which they are provided instant guidance and assignments by professors.
- The library is furnished with the latest books and owns the subscription of over 80 different national, international journals, e-journals and magazines.
- The library provides indexing and abstracting facilities for leading business magazines and journals.
- Leading titles in every area of management and the latest in management literature are available in the library.
- The institute has Wi-Fi campus and provides a modern air conditioned lab with LAN and stand-alone facilities covering the requirement of nodes for all students.
- The lab is well equipped to cover the developments in the field of computer technology, with dedicated broadband internet connectivity and multimedia.
- The lab is equipped with the latest software’s to cater to the needs of the students.
Sports Facilities
Sportsmanship is an essential trait of successful people. The sports club of the institute regularly organize matches in games like:
- Table tennis
- Badminton
- Volly Ball
Apart from these there are team building activities to nature a spirit of healthy competition and team work
Bus Services